How Serious Is Claustrophobia

How Serious Is Claustrophobia


A type of anxiety disorder is claustrophobia. It expresses an intense fear of confined places. An elevator or windowless room can bring about such situational triggers. Wise to consult a medical expert if you have this phobia. Many a time, claustrophobia leads to panic attacks. No matter what, expert guidance can benefit your well-being.

Phobia is a severe or unreasonable concern about situations, people, activities, objects, or animals. You can overcome phobias with expert counseling. In order to heal your phobia, you might consult your doctor at the best psychiatric hospital in Siliguri. Phobias are health issues and never to overlook.

What are the signs of claustrophobia?

Possible signs and symptoms of claustrophobia include:

Emotional symptoms

  • A feeling of excessive fear of being stuck
  • Fear of shortness of breath
  • Fear of death
  • Fear of fainting
  • Uncontrollable fear

Physical symptoms

  • Sweating
  • Tremors
  • Palpitation
  • Breathing problems
  • Dizziness
  • Lightheadedness
  • Fainting
  • Chest tightness
  • Crying
  • Ringing in the eyes
  • Chills
  • Freezing
  • Choking sensation
  • Dry mouth
  • Upset stomach
  • Numbing sensations
  • Feeling disoriented

Not everyone undergoes the same pattern of symptoms. Shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, sweating, confusion, choking feeling, shaking, and nausea, are the most common signs of claustrophobia. Unmanaged claustrophobia can affect your quality of life. From school life, work life, relationships to interpersonal relationships, it can distress all these spheres of life.

Knowing the triggers of claustrophobia

Given below are common triggers of this anxiety disorder:

  • Elevators
  • Tunnels
  • Windowless rooms
  • Caves
  • Small cars
  • Trains
  • Airplanes
  • MRI machine
  • CT scan machine
  • Dressing rooms
  • Standing in a large crowded room

However, the exact cause of claustrophobia is not clear at all. Factors that account for such a condition may be environmental situations that occurred in childhood or later. Being stuck in an elevator or crowded space may give rise to this concern. Nothing could be so good as getting medical advice. Psychiatrists ensure optimal ways to recover from this phobia. It may take time to heal based on the progress of this medical concern.

Under medical supervision, doctors diagnose the intensity of claustrophobia. Examining your physical and emotional symptoms helps the doctor understand its severity. Make sure you express your problem properly so as to overcome the condition without hassles. Breathing exercises, believing that anxiety/phobia will pass, practicing meditation, eating wholesome foods, and listening to stress-relieving music may aid healing.

In many cases, claustrophobia tends to go away as one gets older. But if it doesn’t, further medical attention is of need. Find out the best old age care in Siliguri city. Always double-check the reputation and facilities of the center. Without a shadow of a doubt, claustrophobia is an alarming condition.

Here, treatments involve medications and psychotherapy/talk therapy. Specialists use different types of psychotherapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy. Before getting into treatment procedures, know that you’re going to defeat your phobias soon. Lifestyle changes and medical guidance help fight claustrophobia optimally.

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